At Winsol in Aalter, Coating Projects installed the new powder coating installation.
After the beams are each given a unique QR code, the production process in the paint shop consists of :
- Chemical pre-treatment suitable for Qualicoat and Seaside
- Drying oven
- Manual powder spraying cabin with vertical suction
- Automatic powder spraying cabin with manual additional spraying possibility
Dust oven
In the chemical pre-treatment, production parameters are registered in order to obtain a perfect pre-treatment:
- Conductivity
- Temperature
- bath levels
- Spray and drip times,
Dosing of chemicals is done via an automatically controlled process.
The entire pre-treatment process is equipped with a vacuum evaporator. As a result, no water is discharged and Winsol complies with the strict requirements of Flemish environmental legislation!
Drying and baking time can be set per bar to anticipate the complexity of the workpieces and different types of powder coatings.
Motors of the pre-treatment, ovens and cabin are equipped with unique drivers to get the perfect adjustment of pumps and fans and minimise energy consumption.
An automatic powder coating booth and hand spray booth with special attention to operator comfort complete the picture.